Gary Allan

She Loves Me

Gary Allan


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She Loves Me

Transcribed By: Jimmy Egan 
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Intro: 2x 1x ------------------------|-------------------------------- ------------------------|-------------------------------- ------------------------|-------------------------------- --5-9-(9)10-9-5-0-------|---5-9-(9)-10-9-7-5-(7)-9-9-7-7- 5-----------------3-2---|-5------------------------------ ----------------------3-|--------------------------------
G Well, I can see you?re daincing every dance with her D And it seems to me you?re dancing much too close to her When you?re sitting at our table you?re sitting next to her G But my heart knows that it?s true she loves me, she don?t love you
C Well let me tell you friend I?m wise to your lies G Even telling me that I?m the guy for her C And every little thing that you do and say D Has given you away you?re in love with her
G Well just one more dance with her And friend you?re gonna see What it?s like to hit the floor D And do a little dance with me So here?s your coat and here?s your hat I think you better leave ?Cause she just told me it?s true G She loves me, she don?t love you Repeat Chorus

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