Gary Allan

What Id Say

Gary Allan

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What Id Say

Written by Robert Byrne/Will Robinson

Capo on 2nd fret
	  		Copyright 1987 
Transcribed By: Jimmy Egan 
What I?d Say () 
Intro: D, Bm, G, D    2x 
Talkin? to the mirror, whispering you name 
     G                                            D 
It?s just like you were here, you?d think I was insane 
D                                               G 
I hold these conversations in the silence of my room 
Bm                 G                     A          D 
Rehearsing all the things I?d say should I run into you 

G Bm A G How?s it goin?, might be what I?d say G D/F# Em Well you broke my heart you know A Or it looks like rain today G Bm God I?ve missed you A G Since you went away G You?re lookin? well Bm Or go to hell A D Might be what I?d say
There?s time I?ve been so angry I could put my fist right through the wall And then there?s times I?ve come so close To givin? you a call I love you and I hate you All at the same time Then I pray you?ll come back to me Before I lose my mind CHORUS Interlude: G, Bm, A, G, G, D/F#, Em, A G Bm Or maybe, God I?ve missed you A G Since you went away G You?re lookin? well Bm Or go to hell A D Might be what I?d say Ending: D, Bm, G, D 2x

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