George Ezra

I Went Hunting

George Ezra

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I Went Hunting


D Em Bm 
D Em Bm 

Verse 1:

D Em Bm Lightning came the other day D Em Bm I just sat at the window, watchin' the wind blow D Em Bm And I got everything I'd ever owned D Em Bm Drove it down to the ocean and watched it all float on
D Em Bm Ooh, I went huntin' D Em Bm Ooh, found a problem D Em Bm Ooh, I went huntin' D Em Bm D Em Bm Ooh, found a problem, found a problem

Verse 2:

D Em Bm Change my name and book a holiday D Em Bm Tryna get out my head, the fact is, I'm obsessed D Em Bm And I always have been, mhm D Em Bm Imagine havin' a thought and then thinkin' it again Thinkin' it again, thinkin' it again Thinkin' it again, thinkin' it again
D Em Bm Ooh, I went huntin' D Em Bm Ooh, found a problem D Em Bm Ooh, I went huntin' D Em Bm D Em Bm Ooh, found a problem, found a problem Em F#m G Em F#m G Em F#m G


D I am not the one to tell you D Em Nothing's ever gonna hurt you, mhm Bm I can't lie to you, babe, I can't lie to you babe D Trouble comes and trouble goes Em And on and on and on it goes, mhm Bm I've been workin' on me, are you workin' on you? Bm I've been workin' on me, are you workin' on you? Outro D Em Bm Ooh, D Em Bm Ooh, D Em Bm Ooh, I went huntin' D Em Bm Ooh, found a problem D Em Bm Ooh, I went huntin' D Em Bm Ooh, found a problem, found a problem D Em Bm D Em Bm

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