Glee Cast

Get It Right

Glee Cast

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Get It Right

Written by Nikki Hassman, Adam e Anders, Pehr Anders Astrom

Bm           G  
What have I done?  
I wish I could run.  
Away from this ship going under,  
Bm              G  
Just trying to help  
Hurt everyone else  
Now I feel the weight of the world is  
G      G7  
On my shoulders  

D                          A  
What can you do when your good isnīt good enough  
     Bm                        G  
And all that you touch tumbles down  
       D                       A  
Cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things  
Bm            A         G  
I just wanna fix it somehow  
     Bm                    G  
But how many times will it take?  
   Bm        A            G  
oh how many times will it take for me  
           D    A  
To get it right?  
           Bm A G  
To get it ri?  

Bm           G  
Can I start again  
With my faith shaken?  
'Cause I canīt go back and undo this  
Bm              G  
I just have to stay  
And face my mistakes  
But if I get stronger and wiser  
G           G7  
Iīll get through this  

D                          A  
What can you do when your good isnīt good enough  
     Bm                        G  
And all that you touch tumbles down  
       D                       A  
Cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things  
  Bm          A         G  
I just wanna fix it somehow  
     Bm                    G  
But how many times will it take?  
   Bm        A            G  
oh how many times will it take for me  
             D    A  
To get it right?  

G                    D  
So I throw up my fists,  
throw a punch in the air.  
                           A                    G  
And accept the truth that sometimes life isnīt fair  
                      D                         Bm  
Yeah Iīll send out a wish, yeah Iīll send up a prayer  
   A           G  
If I lead, someone will see, how much I care  

D                          A  
What can you do when your good isnīt good enough  
     Bm                        G  
And all that you touch tumbles down  
       D                       A  
Cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things  
  Bm          A         G  
I just wanna fix it somehow  
     Bm                    G  
But how many times will it take?  
   Bm        A            G  
oh how many times will it take for me  
             D    A  
To get it right?  
           Bm A G  
To get it ri? 

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