
Some People


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Some People

	  		A                    Asus4 A    A                             Asus4       A 
Some people kill for less, some people find it hard to get dressed 
F                          G                    A Asus4 A 
Some people will ask how old I am 
Some people living a life, some people need more than a slice 
But when it fades when the glitter`s gone 
Some people don't get much, some people feel they're in touch 
With spirit worlds, talking to you now 
Some people just can't say, some people just wanna play 
They get a kick when it's all messed up 
A                  A7             G D 
You know it, you owe it to yourself 
You won't let it make you mad, it's already crazy 
C                      G                       A Asus4 A 
Oh we're lonely one mercedes down 
The brighter lights and their smiles their empty hands 
What you thought you'd lost was just mislaid 
All the poems written in your skin 

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