Goldie Lookin Chain

John Lewis Christmas

Goldie Lookin Chain

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John Lewis Christmas

C Fmaj7 C Fmaj7 

Verse 1:

C Fmaj7 Christmas time has got so tacky C Fmaj7 We need a Christmas advert to make us happy C Am D7 Fmaj7 A Christmas penguin or a man on the moon tells you Santa is coming soon C Fmaj7 The price of Christmas these days is so shocking C Fmaj7 People buying anything to fill that stocking C Am A Michael Macintyre DVD D7 Fmaj7 Why don't you just give me cash
Am C So please make it stop E7 Am It'll just end up in charity shop Fmaj7 D7 G G7 You're just giving me stuff that I can't even sell on E-Bay Am C I'm beggin you please E7 Am I don't need comedy socks or golf novelties Fmaj7 Fm After Christmas Day they're half price anyway C Am I've got a plan that never fails D7 Fmaj7 Buy all the Christmas gifts in the January sales

Verse 2:

C Fmaj7 Christmas traffic is bumper to bumper C Fmaj7 If I see another joker in a Christmas jumper C Am They're selling the Big Issue wearing Santa suits D7 Fmaj7 Someone's just had a stroke in Boots C Fmaj7 Black Friday is so exciting C Fmaj7 Go down Tescos watch them fighting C Am D7 Fmaj7 Saw a Granny punching out a Priest over a 42 inch plasma screen
Am C Am I on my own E7 Am As a kid I was happy with a big Toblerone Fmaj7 D7 G G7 Soon they'll be having Christmas twice a month Am C You know when it hurts E7 Am When there's no escaping all the Christmas adverts Fmaj7 Fm And on Boxing Day they put up the Easter display C Am I've got a plan that never fails D7 Fmaj7 Buy all the Christmas gifts in the January sales C Fmaj7 (to fade)

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