Gracie Abrams


Gracie Abrams

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Key:  Bb More
Stay Key FF
Stay Key F#F#
Stay Key GG
Stay Key G#G#(one step down)
Stay Key AA(half step down)
Stay Key BbBb(original key)
Stay Key BB(half step up)
Stay Key CC(one step up)
Stay Key C#C#
Stay Key DD
Stay Key D#D#
Stay Key EE

Verse 1:

Bb Dm You told me something when I left but I don't remember Cm Bb F Maybe 'cause all I could do then was stare at the floor Bb Dm I held myself 'cause you wouldn't, all wrapped in my Sweatshirt Cm Bb F Wonder if you even noticed that that one was yours Eb Cm Gm Gb When maybe I should've but I never told you "I'm sorry" Eb Cm F Know that I tried but my words always got in the way
Bb Could you hold me without any talking? F We could try to go back where we started Gm I don't even have to stay Eb I don't even have to stay but Bb If I woke up with you in the morning F I'd forget all the ways that we're broken Gm I don't care if you've changed Eb Bb I don't even have to stay

Verse 2:

Bb Dm I don't remember the last time I heard from your sister Cm Bb F Didn't expect to but I sorta thought that I would Bb Wish I could tell you by now that I felt more Dm Indifferent Cm Bb F Catch myself thinking about you more than I should Eb Cm Gm Gb And maybe I should've but I never told you I miss you Eb Cm F I almost said it but don't know if you feel the same
Bb Could you hold me without any talking? F We could try to go back where we started Gm I don't even have to stay Eb I don't even have to stay but Bb If I woke up with you in the morning F I'd forget all the ways that we're broken Gm I don't care if you've changed Eb Bb I don't even have to stay

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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