Hank Snow

Born To Be Happy

Hank Snow

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Born To Be Happy

Written by Stuart Hamblen

G                    G7        C 
Born to be happy but always so sad 

           G        A7        D7 
Born to be good but always so bad 

G                        G7             C 
Born to be somebody with faith in all I do 

           G         D7           G 
Born to be happy but lost without you 

C                               G 
Without you my anchor's gone my ship will wander on 

A7                                      D7 
Like a gambler's money his money has no home 

G                    G7       C 
Born to be lucky but I always lose 

           G         D7           G 
Born to be happy but lost without you 

C                               G 
Without you my anchor's gone my ship will wander on 

A7                                      D7 
Like a gambler's money his money has no home 

G                    G7       C 
Born to be lucky but I always lose 

           G         D7           G 
Born to be happy but lost without you 

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