Hank Williams III

Not Everybody Likes Us

Hank Williams III

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Not Everybody Likes Us

	  		Not everybody likes us  
Well hello there folks how the hell are you doing 
it's good to be in your local bar again 
So lets get loud will get stoned and get proud 
and have a dam good time till the shows at end 
Sometimes I'm wired and sometimes I'm tired  
but I'm doing the best that I can  
So let's have a drink and get drunk with hank  
     A                  D 
may the outlaw's rise again  
G Well I'm a son of a son D I've got shit for what I've said and done A Ya I remember watching old waylon D when he was shoot-n- his shotgun G It's a certain kind of living D it's a certain kind of style A Not everybody likes us "G" D but we drive some folks wild
Instrumental: G D A D - x2 D Well I think I rater eat the barrel A of a double barrel loaded shotgun Than to here that shit they call pop D country music on 98.1 And just so you no so it's set in stone G kid rock don't come from were I come from D Ya It's true his a yank he ant no son of hank A D and if you thought so god dam your fucking dumb Course: G So let's get real loud D lets get stoned and proud A Poor me another shot of whiskey D and this one's for the south G It's a certain kind of living D it's a certain kind of style A Not everybody likes us "G" D but we drive some folks wild A Not everybody likes us "G" D but we drive some folks wild Not sure if the "G" should go here or not I'm not good at figuring out music hell this might not even be the write cords sound write to me but then again I'm no music expert

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