Hillsong Live

Higher & I Believe In You

Hillsong Live

chords Advanced advanced

by  FER_G12_89

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Higher & I Believe In You

Written by Darlene Zschech & Mia Fieldes

	  		Intro: F  G  Am   F  G  Am (2x) 

verse 1: 
F   G    Am F G       Am 
For unto us a Saviour came 
F   G   Am   F     G         F   G  Am 
Amazing grace that takes the weight 
F   G       Am  F    G       Am 
His name is hope for all the earth 
F   G        Am              F   
His name now and beyond this life 
G        Am 
God with us 

    F9            G    Am 
And You shall be called Almighty God 
    F9         G 
And we shall declare 

F9 G Am F9 Your name is higher, higher F9 G C G/B F9 Jesus Christ Your name is glorious
verse 2: F G Am F G Am Now unto me, the Christ revealed F G Am F G Am For You so loved and love me still Pre-Chorus F9 G Am And You shall be called Almighty God F9 G And we shall declare
F9 G Am F9 Your name is higher, higher F9 G C G/B F9 Dm Jesus Christ Your name is glorious G Am F9 Your name is greater, sweeter F9 G F9 G In all the earth, higher, higher (2x)
Bridge: Em F9 Am G/B So great and greatly to be praised are You G F9 C G/B So great and greatly to be praised Em F9 Am G/B So great and greatly to be praised are You G F9 C G So great and greatly to be praised (Pre-Chorus) Final: F9 G F/A G/B G Is higher, higher, higher, higher (2x) I Believe in You: G F/G I owe You my life C/E F I will worship You forever G F I owe You my life C/E G I will live to bring You praises (6x)

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