Hippie Sabotage


Hippie Sabotage

chords Intermediate intermediate


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C#m       A             E             F#m 
Don't you ever let them stand in your way now 
C#m       A             E             F#m 
Try till you miss it then just go on back around 
C#m               A 
Man, I'm feeling fucking different 
E             F#m 
I see you looking like I'm different 
C#m               A 
So go on, treat me like I'm different 
E             F#m 
'Cause I'mma live it like I'm different, yeah 

C#m           A 
But the world never change when you wanna change 
E             F#m 
And the people never say what you wanna say 
C#m           A 
So go and live your life like you don't give a fuck 
E                    F#m 
'Cause I been runnin' through this life and still can't get enough 

C#m       A             E             F#m 
Don't you ever let them stand in your way now 
C#m       A             E             F#m 
Try till you miss it then just go on back around 
C#m               A 
Man, I'm feeling fucking different 
E             F#m 
I see you looking like I'm different 
C#m               A 
So go on, treat me like I'm different 
E             F#m 
'Cause I'mma live it like I'm different, yeah 

C#m           A 
But the world never change when you wanna change 
E             F#m 
And the people never say what you wanna say 
C#m           A 
So go and live your life like you don't give a fuck 
E                    F#m 
'Cause I been runnin' through this life and still can't get enough 

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