Howie Day

Collide (ver. 3)

Howie Day

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Collide (ver. 3)

	  		B F# G#m E B F# G#m E 

B            F# 
The dawn is breaking 
G#m            E 
A light shining through 
B              F# 
You're barely waking 
G#m                    E 
And I'm tangled up in you 

B F# G#m E 

B              F# 
But I'm open, you're closed 
G#m              E 
Where I follow, you'll go 
B       F#                G#m 
I worry I won't see your face 
Light up again 

          B                  F# 
Even the best fall down sometimes 
          G#m                  E 
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme 
            B                   F# 
Out of the doubt that fills my mind 
   G#m           E            B 
I somehow find, you and I collide 

F# G#m E 

B           F# 
I'm quiet, you know 
G#m         E 
You make a first impression 
B                F# 
I've found I'm scared to know 
    G#m             E 
I'm always on your mind 

          B                  F# 
Even the best fall down sometimes 
           G#m             E 
Even the stars refuse to shine 
            B                F# 
Out of the back you fall in time 
   G#m           E            B 
I somehow find, you and I collide 


               B F# 
Don't stop here 
               B  F# 
I've lost my place 
I'm close behind 

F# G#m E B F# G#m E 

          B                  F# 
Even the best fall down sometimes 
          G#m                  E 
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme 
            B                     F# 
Out of the doubt that fills your mind 
     G#m           E            B 
You finally find, you and I collide 


You finally find 
 E            B   F# 
You and I collide 
You finally find 
 E            B 
You and I collide 

F# G#m E B F# G#m E B 


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