
He Is Able To Deliver Thee


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He Is Able To Deliver Thee


verse 1: 

            G                        D7 
'Tis the grandest theme through the ages rung 
'Tis the grandest theme for a mortal tongue 
'Tis the grandest theme that the world's e'er sung 
     G      D7        G 
Our God is able to deliver thee 

G D7 He is able to deliver thee D7 G He is able to deliver thee G C Though by sin oppressed, go to Him for rest G D7 G Our God is able to deliver thee
verse 2: 'Tis the grandest theme in the earth or main 'Tis the grandest theme for a mortal strain 'Tis the grandest theme, tell the world again Our God is able to deliver thee verse 3: 'Tis the grandest theme, let the tidings roll To the guilty heart, to the sinful soul Look to God in faith, He will make thee whole Our God is able to deliver thee

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