Intergalactic Lovers


Intergalactic Lovers

chords Beginner beginner


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Key:  Dm More
Delay Key AmAm
Delay Key A#mA#m
Delay Key BmBm
Delay Key CmCm(one step down)
Delay Key C#mC#m(half step down)
Delay Key DmDm(original key)
Delay Key D#mD#m(half step up)
Delay Key EmEm(one step up)
Delay Key FmFm
Delay Key F#mF#m
Delay Key GmGm
Delay Key G#mG#m
Intro: Dm C / Dm C / Dm C / Bb5 C5 

Verse 1: 
Dm        C       Dm      C  
After hours of motionless dancing  
Dm        C       Bb5     C5 
To the sound of heavy rain  
Dm        C       Dm      C 
I told myself to pick up the pieces  
Dm        C       Bb5     C5 
And go moving on up again  
Dm        C       Dm      C 
I'll just let it drip-drip-drip on me  
Dm        C       Bb5     C5 
I'll let it just soak right through  
Dm        C       Dm      C 
I'll let it just drip on me  
Dm        C       Bb5     C5 
I'll let it just soak right through  

Bbm / Bbm Cm / Dm / C       

Bbm Bbm Whoehoehoehoehoe Cm Dm It will get better, C That's what I told you from the start Bbm Bbm Whoehoehoehoehoehoe Cm Dm It will get clearer C That's what the weather gods said last night Bbm Bbm Whoehoehoehoehoehoe Cm Dm This will all make sense C in good time…
Pre-verse: Dm C / Dm C / Dm C / Bb5 C5 x2 Verse 2: Dm C Dm C When I was just a young child Dm C Bb5 C5 My father said to me Dm C Dm C He said: sleep around with dogs, dear Dm C Bb5 C5 And you'll for sure catch their flies Dm C Dm C Well, your itchiness well suits me Dm C Bb5 C5 And your boldness makes me smile Dm C Dm C I guess I'll just stay a little longer Dm C Bb5 C5 I guess I'll just give you a try Chorus Intermezzo: Dm C F G F End: Dm

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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