Israel & New Breed

Our God Reigns

Israel & New Breed

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Our God Reigns

G                            D   
Our God is great and Glorious 
                 C                  G 
We put our trust in Your Name, Jesus 
G                          D 
Able to save and deliver us 
We put our hope in Your Name, Jesus 

Em                  G   
Blessing and honor, glory and power 
Em                           C 
Unto our God forever and ever 
Em                G                         D               C 
All of the honor, all of the praise is Yours, Yours forever 

Em D/F# G  C 

Em D/F# G  C 
G            D 
Our God reigns 

Em D/F# G  C 

Em D/F# G  C 
G            D 
Our God reigns 

G                              D 
Our God is mighty and marvelous 
D                       C       G 
We put our trust in Your Name, Jesus 
G                   Em            D 
Nothing to fear, You are here with us 
D                   C         G 
We put our hope in Your Name, Jesus 

Our God is in control 
Steadfast, unmovable 
Nothing's impossible 
G                     D 
Our God reigns forever 

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