Ita Melo


Ita Melo

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Key:  C More
Why Key GG
Why Key G#G#
Why Key AA
Why Key A#A#(one step down)
Why Key BB(half step down)
Why Key CC(original key)
Why Key C#C#(half step up)
Why Key DD(one step up)
Why Key D#D#
Why Key EE
Why Key FF
Why Key F#F#
Capo on 5th fret

Intro: G  Em  D  C  

G                    G/F# 
    I can stay one life waiting for you 
G                                     G/F# 
   But sometimes I know there's nothing I can do 
G                         G/F# 
    I felt in love and I tried to be the best 
G                  G/F# 
   And now I live my life without rest 
Em                      D 
    You don't let me try 
             F                             C 
It was for you my best feelings and my promise to be my wife 
So why 
D        Em 
   Why can't we stay together? 
C          G 
   Why can't we live one life? 
D                            Em 
   Why can't we dream forever?  
 C                        G  (Em  D  C ) 
Why can't we stop and try? 
G                    G/F# 
    I could stay crying in my bed 
G                      G/F# 
  But I know I can't die or lost my head 
G                     G/F# 
   Yes I know I was just one more in your sins 
G                               G/F# 
  A winner never quits, and a quitter never wins!! 
Em                       D 
    You can't play all the time 
      F                         C 
Sometimes you lost your joke hide in your cards 
So why 
D        Em 
   Why can't we stay together? 
C          G 
   Why can't we live one life? 
D                            Em 
   Why can't we dream forever?  
 C                        G ( Em  D  C ) 
Why can't we stop and try? 

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Half key step downHalf key step down
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