Jack Garratt


Jack Garratt

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Written by Jack Garratt/Bastian Langebęk

Key:  Am More
Worry Key EmEm
Worry Key FmFm
Worry Key F#mF#m
Worry Key GmGm(one step down)
Worry Key G#mG#m(half step down)
Worry Key AmAm(original key)
Worry Key A#mA#m(half step up)
Worry Key BmBm(one step up)
Worry Key CmCm
Worry Key C#mC#m
Worry Key DmDm
Worry Key D#mD#m
	  		     Am                        G                           F                F   G   
My nights are broken up by the sounds of women I'll never meet 
    Am                             G                            F           F   G 
And when my eyes are closed I can start to feel you staring at me 
     Am                              G                           F          F   G       
The right side of my bed has always left me feeling stuck in between 
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh 
Am                            G                             F               F   G 
Everything I know and all the lies I tell myself so I can sleep 

Am                         G 
Pick apart the pieces you left 
Don't you worry about it 
Don't you worry about it 
Am                          G 
Try and give yourself some rest 
And let me worry about it 
       F                          Am 
Let me worry about it 

          Am                      G                       F              F  G 
You came around to say that you'd been away like I hadn't known 
   Am                         G                       F                  F  G 
As if I don't wake up every single day not seeing you go 
    Am                        G                            F             F  G 
As if this moon of ours only shines a half to make me feel whole 
    F                               G                               F         F  G 
As if I haven't felt your breath in every step I take when the wind blows 

Am                         G 
Pick apart the pieces you left 
Don't you worry about it 
Don't you worry about it 
Am                          G 
Try and give yourself some rest 
And let me worry about it 
       F                          Am 
Let me worry about it 

Am                         G 
Pick apart the pieces you left 
Don't you worry about it 
Don't you worry about it 
Am                          G 
Try and give yourself some rest 
And let me worry about it 
       F                          Am 
Let me worry about it 

Am                         G 
Pick apart the pieces you left 
Don't you worry about it 
Don't you worry about it 
Am                          G 
Try and give yourself some rest 
And let me worry about it 
       F                          Am 
Let me worry about it 

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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