Jah Cure

Longing For

Jah Cure

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Longing For

	  		RENDITION OF Jah Cure'S ? longing for 

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Dm       A#       C       Am       Gm       Am       
Intro picks played over this intro verse of all songs. But intermittently you can improvise 
Picking into the song so as u like it. 
Yea yuh know 
Only you 
Only you 
Dm      A#      C      Am      Gm       Am       
Only you can make me feel, just like a king 
Love you give to me so real 
Makes me give in 
Dm      A#      C      Am      Gm      Am        
{Verse 1:} 
Girl, just like magnet to steel 
Your love - keeps pulling me in, 
If its a battle I'll fight for you, 
I have to win 
To prove to you my love. is so deep within 
Its even getting deeper 
Since I reach prison 

Dm      A#      C      Am      Gm      Am 
Longing for 
My baby to love me more 
What am I longing for? 
Babylon release the Cure 
What am I longing for? 
My baby to love me more 
What am I longing for? 
Babylon release the Cure 

{Verse 2:} 
Dm      A#      C      Am      Gm      Am 
When, when, when, when? 
Can we see each other again 
When, when, when, when? 
Can we see each other again 
I know there's someone, must be there comforting you 
Whenever you need a friend 
I'll make you mine, give me some time, I'll surely make you mine 
It may be long, now forever. 
I vow, to get myself together 
I love you baby, always on my mind, No matter the time. 

Dm      A#      C      Am      Gm      Am 
Longing for 
My baby to love me more 
What am I longing for? 
Babylon release the Cure 
What am I longing for? 
My baby to love me more 
What am I longing for? 
Babylon release the Cure 

Dm      A#      C      Am      Gm      Am 
Only you can make me feel, just like a king 
Love you give to me so real 
Makes me give in 

{Verse 1:} 
Dm      A#      C      Am      Gm      Am 
Girl, just like magnet to steel 
Your love - keeps pulling me in, 
If its a battle I'll fight for you, 
I have to win 
To prove to you my love. is so deep within 
Its even getting deeper 
Since I reach prison 

Dm      A#      C      Am      Gm      Am 
Longing for 
My baby to love me more 
What am I longing for? 
Babylon release the Cure 
What am I longing for? 
My baby to love me more 
What am I longing for? 

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