Jake Bugg

Turpin Hero

Jake Bugg

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Turpin Hero

Key:  Dm More
Cm(one step down)
C#m(half step down)
Dm(original key)
D#m(half step up)
Em(one step up)
	  		Intro: Dm 

      Dm             C 
On Hounslow Heath as I rode o'er 
    Dm              C 
I spied a lawyer riding before 
      F                  C 
Kind Sir says he Aren't you afraid 
      Dm            C 
Of Turpin that mischievous blade 

 Dm       C 
Oh rare Turpin hero 
Dm        C     Dm 
Oh rare Turpin oh 

      Dm                  C 
Said Turpin he'll never find me out 
     Dm               C 
I'll hid him my money in my boot 
F                  C 
Oh said the lawyer he'll never find me gold 
Dm            C 
For it's stitched in my cape behind 

 Dm       C 
Oh rare Turpin hero 
Dm        C     Dm 
Oh rare Turpin oh 

      Dm             C 
As they rode down by the powder mill 
Dm              C 
Turpin commands him to be still 
F                  C 
He said Your cape I must cut off 
Dm            C 
For my mare she needs a saddle cloth 

 Dm       C 
Oh rare Turpin hero 
Dm        C     Dm 
Oh rare Turpin oh 

      Dm             C 
As turpin rode in search of prey 
Dm              C 
He met an excise man on his way 
F                  C 
And boldly he did bid him stand 
Dm            C 
Gold he said I do demand 

 Dm       C 
Oh rare Turpin hero 
Dm        C     Dm 
Oh rare Turpin oh 

      Dm             C 
And Turpin quite without remorse 
Dm              C 
Soon knocked him quite from off his horse 
F                  C 
And left him on the ground to spall 
Dm            C 
Rode off with his gold and all 

 Dm       C 
Oh rare Turpin hero 
Dm        C     Dm 
Oh rare Turpin oh 

Dm             C 
Now Turpin is condemned to die 
Dm              C 
To hang upon the gallows high 
F                  C 
His legacy is a strong rope 
Dm            C 
For the shooting of a dung-hill cock (in other versions: Turpin hero there's no hope) 

 Dm       C 
Oh rare Turpin hero 
Dm        C     Dm 
Oh rare Turpin oh 

Key:  Dm More
Cm(one step down)
C#m(half step down)
Dm(original key)
D#m(half step up)
Em(one step up)
Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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