James Bay

If You Ever Want To Be In Love

James Bay

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If You Ever Want To Be In Love

Written by James Bay/Jimmy Hogarth/Steve McEwan

	  		Half a step down.  

Am - G - C - Em -F - F5 - F 
Am - G 

Saw you today after so much time 
F5                         Am G          
Felt just like it used to be 
Talking for hours bout a different life 
F5                         Am G 
Surrounding us in memories 
F                              Am G 
We were close never close enough 
F               Am G           
Baby are we now 
F                                        Am G           
‘Cause if it's torn we can stitch it up 
F                G         
Don't rule it out 
Oh no no 

Am      G C 
I'll come around 
Em F 
If you ever want to be in love 
G Am         G C    
I'm not waiting,  
Em F 
But I'm willing if you call me up 
If you ever want to be in love 
I'll come around 

Am - G - C -Em F 

Theres the start, cant be bothered doing the rest 

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