Jamie Mcdell


Jamie Mcdell

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Written by Jamie Mcdell,stuart Crichton

Key:  Em More
Crash Key BmBm
Crash Key CmCm
Crash Key C#mC#m
Crash Key DmDm(one step down)
Crash Key D#mD#m(half step down)
Crash Key EmEm(original key)
Crash Key FmFm(half step up)
Crash Key F#mF#m(one step up)
Crash Key GmGm
Crash Key G#mG#m
Crash Key AmAm
Crash Key A#mA#m
verse 1

Em            G 
   So high up, 
Higher than the clouds, 
Em                    G 
You know its not for me, 
I like it on the ground, 
Em            G 
   So high up, 
covering the sea, 
Em                       G 
Painting walls on everything, 
Your picture used to be, 


Am               C                  G             D 
   And you cant help yourself from dying in this town, 
Am           C             G   D 
   Just too much to figure out 
I know you'll never figure out 

Em G Am C Em I?ve watched you crash and burn a thousand times again, G Am C Em I know that smile you wear is waiting for the end, G Am C I see you sitting in the dark scared, Em G Am but I know you never really fight fair, C Em You know you never fight fair
verse 2 Em G So twisted, C Your aggravated scheme, Em G C Spend hours living from the screen, Pre-Chorus Am C G D And you wont stop yourself from crying when you fall, Am C G D Now you've got nothing at all, Em And this is all I think about
Em G Am C Em I?ve watched you crash and burn a thousand times again, G Am C Em I know that smile you wear is waiting for the end, G Am C I see you sitting in the dark scared, Em G Am but I know you never really fight fair, C Em You know you never fight fair
Bridge Am C G D I'm tired of throwing out the shadows in your past, Am C G D would you just give yourself a chance, Em I know you'll never figure out
Em G Am C Em I?ve watched you crash and burn a thousand times again, G Am C Em I know that smile you wear is waiting for the end, G Am C I see you sitting in the dark scared, Em G Am but I know you never really fight fair, C Em You know you never fight fair

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