Jamie Mcdell


Jamie Mcdell

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Key:  Am More
Falling Key EmEm
Falling Key FmFm
Falling Key F#mF#m
Falling Key GmGm(one step down)
Falling Key G#mG#m(half step down)
Falling Key AmAm(original key)
Falling Key A#mA#m(half step up)
Falling Key BmBm(one step up)
Falling Key CmCm
Falling Key C#mC#m
Falling Key DmDm
Falling Key D#mD#m
Capo on 2nd fret


          Am                                    G       Am          Am G Am 
I've been pushed, I've been chained and now I'm falling again 
          Am                              G              Am         Am G Am 
I guess a rich man gone insane is now the winner of this game 
      Am                       G           Am 
And I moved like a gypsy and I sang like a bird 
Am                        G          Am 
Calling for freedom in an all caging world 
    Am                          G            Am 
The sea gave me company and she told me once more 
          Am                               G          Am            Am G  
If you're falling for love then you're not falling at all 

F G Am And I'm falling, I'm falling, I missed it again F G Am And you're saying, replaying the words in my head F G Am And I'm falling, I'm falling 'till I can recall Am G Am If we're falling for love then we're not falling at all Am G If we're falling for love then we're not falling
Am G Am I ran to the forest from the plain black and white Am G Am I learned to be braver than the school ditching guys Am G Am A sinner like a saviour when she told me once more Am G Am If we're falling for love then we're not falling at all
F G Am And I'm falling, I'm falling, I missed it again F G Am And you're saying, replaying the words in my head F G Am And I'm falling, I'm falling 'till I can recall Am G Am If we're falling for love then we're not falling at all Am G Am If we're falling for love then we're not falling at all
Am G Am Falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, falling again Am G Am Falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, falling again Am G Am Falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, falling again Am G Am Falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, falling again
F G Am And I'm falling, I'm falling, I missed it again F G Am And you're saying, replaying the words in my head F G Am And I'm falling, I'm falling 'till I can recall Am G Am If we're falling for love then we're not falling at all Am G Am If we're falling for love then we're not falling at all Am G (once) If we're falling for love then we're not falling

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