Jamie Mcdell

Without A Voice

Jamie Mcdell

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Without A Voice

Capo on 4th fret


Intro: Em7 Cadd9 G (2x) 

            Em7     Cadd9 
I read the news today 
         G             D 
I found something that reminded me 
       Em7      Cadd9  
Of the games we played 
    G               D 
To get ahead in the wrong way 
    Em7        Cadd9 
And its strange to me 
   G             D 
To act like what we had 
     Em7     Cadd9         G       D 
Isn't worth enough to keep it safe 

              Em7                  Cadd9 
And all these people with the words say they care about the world 
          G                    D 
When it doesn't really matter anyways 
       Em7                   Cadd9 
Cause they taken what we had and forgetting that the past 
          G                     D 
All this freedom is what we give away 

Em7 Cadd9 Give a little love now G D Try to understand Em7 Cadd9 We could lose out G D If we can't learn to use our heads Em7 Cadd9 We could come together G D Cadd9 Cause we have a choice to be saving Em7 Cadd9 G Those without a voice
Em7 Cadd9 G Verse: Em7 Cadd9 I had to turn the page G When I think of how it use to be Em7 Cadd9 Now all that has changed G D We got minds on the economy Em7 Cadd9 And it's clear to me G D That I can't save the day Em7 Cadd9 G D But I can believe I try on my own way Pre-Chorus Em7 Cadd9 With the status on their minds, can't believe that all this time G D Hasn't been indication Em7 Cadd9 Cause they taken what we had busy cutting up the land G D Trying to save our reputations
Em7 Cadd9 Give a little love now G D Try to understand Em7 Cadd9 We could lose out G D If we can't learn to use our heads Em7 Cadd9 We could come together G D Cadd9 Cause we have a choice to be saving Em7 Cadd9 G Those without a voice
Em7 Cadd9 G Bridge: Em7 Cadd9 G D And there's no reason why we have to play Em7 Cadd9 G D In a small stadium all down in shame Em7 Cadd9 G D Cadd9 And we all know how much we love this place so, help me
Em7 Cadd9 To give a little love now G D Try to understand Em7 Cadd9 We could lose out G D If we can't learn to use our heads Em7 Cadd9 We could come together G D Cadd9 Cause we have a choice to be saving Em7 Cadd9 G Those without a voice
Outro: Em7 Cadd9 G

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