Jamie Walters

In Between

Jamie Walters

chords Beginner beginner


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In Between

	  		"In between" by Jamie Walters 

Intro :    
C, D, G   2x 

verse  :  
G C Am D 
Do you feel me, when I lay awake at night (I'm feeling you) 
G C Am D 
Do you see me, when I close my eyes (I'm seeing you) 

Em C Am D 
Do you hear me when I dream at night, I try to tell you 
Em C Am D 
That I need someone a connection, to try and live again 
C D G 
I keep waiting, straight through the night 
C D G 
I keep waiting, for things to turn out right 
C D G 
I keep waiting, living in a dream 
C D G 
and I'm somehow stuck here, in between 
G C Am D 
Every night's the same I tell myself to slip away 
In my mind I wait To see your face (I breathe your name) 

G C Am D 
Do you feel me, when I dream at night (and try to tell you) 
Em C Am D 
That I need someone a connection, to try and live again 

C D G 
I keep waiting, straight through the night 
C D G 
I keep waiting, for things to turn out right 
C D G 
I keep waiting, living in a dream 
C D G 
and I'm somehow stuck here, in between 

Em C Am D 
Do you hear me when I scream at night, and try to tell you..... 

C D G 
I keep waiting, straight through the night?. 

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