
You Said Goodbye


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You Said Goodbye

G          Am 
When I had meet you 
          C             G 
It seemed that all be alright 
Love became so great between us 
        C                       D 
I never though it would have an end 

           Em              Bm 
But all at once everything changed 
       C                    G 
And no more we could see ourselves 
Neither to say love thing's 
C              G 
Lessly to love us 

             C   D 
You said goodbye 
And was kept in my memory 
                C   D 
You tell me goodbye 
All the time 
             C   D 
You said goodbye 
                Em      A/C# 
And that is the destiny 
C          G/B  Am      D       G  Am  G  D 
There's no more hope in you and I 

I thought love would last forever 
            C              G 
And we're belonged to each other 
But we are free to choose our way 
           C                        D 
So that we knowless where it will arrive 

           Em                 Bm 
There is always one chance of coming back 
C             G 
When there is love I know 
Now you don't love me more 
  C                  G 
Because you said goodbye 

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