Jeff Johnson

Behold Our God

Jeff Johnson

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Behold Our God

verse 1 
             D        G    D 
In realms of glory He abideth 
       A             D 
Never ceasing to be praised 
      D           G    D 
Ever good and ever reigning 
     A               D 
Immutable above all change 

G D Behold our God He is able G D Behold our King He ever stands G Bm For who compares, for who His equal? G A D Behold our God the great I am
verse 2 D G D From the depths of boundless wisdom A D Our redemption there ordained D G D This the sum of revelation A D God incarnate Christ who came
G D Behold our God He is able G D Behold our King He ever stands G Bm For who compares, for who His equal? G A D Behold our God the great I am
verse 3 D G D Boundless mercy perfect justice A D Grace and truth in fullness He D G D From His plenty hath provideth A D In Himself our every need
G D Behold our God He is able G D Behold our King He ever stands G Bm For who compares, for who His equal? G A D Behold our God the great I am G D Behold our God He is able G D Behold our King He ever stands G Bm For who compares, for who His equal? G A Bm Behold our God the great I am G A D Behold our God the great I am

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