Jerry Jeff Walker

Gettin' By

Jerry Jeff Walker

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Gettin' By

Capo on 2nd fret
	  		                   To Play Along With cd 
       G      Am7                      C            D                G 
Hi Buckaroos  Scamp walker time again  I'm trin' to slide one by you once more 
G                           Am7                          D 
Don't matter how you do it  just do it like you know it  I've been down that road 
                G               C                D                        G 
once or twice before    CHORUS  Just gettin by on gettin by's my stock in trade   
C                 G    C                 D                 G           C          D 
Livin' it day to day  pickin up the peices where ever they fall  just lettin' it roll 
                Em                C   G              D                      G 
lettin' the high times carry the low   I'm livin' my life easy come easy go 
Last week I was thinkin'   its record time again   And I could see mike makin' those faces 
Ah Mike don't you worry   something's bound to come out   Besides I've been down this road  
once before     
Income tax is overdue  and I think she is too   Been busted  and I'll probally get  
busted some more   But I'll catch it all later   Can't let 'em stop me now 
I've been down this road once or twice before 
From the album Viva Terlingua 

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