Jethro Tull

Cold Wind to Valhalla

Jethro Tull

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by  MAX(BA)

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Cold Wind to Valhalla

Year: 1975 - Album: The Best of Acoustic Jethro Tull

Written by Ian Anderson

And ride with us young bonny lass ---  
  with the angels of the night.  
F#m                     E  
Crack wind clatter --- flesh rein bite  
    on an out-size unicorn.  
A                   E                F#m  
Rough-shod winging sky blue flight  
A                 F#m  
on a cold wind  to Valhalla.  
E                  C#m                        B7  
And join with us please --- Valkyrie maidens cry  
  above the cold wind to Valhalla.  
(rest the same)  
Break fast with the gods. Night angels serve  
  with ice-bound majesty.  
Frozen flaking fish raw nerve ---  
  in a cup of silver liquid fire.  
Moon jet brave beam split ceiling swerve and light  
  the old Valhalla.  
Come join with us  please --- Valkyrie maidens cry  
  above the cold wind to Valhalla.  
The heroes rest upon the sighs of Thor's trusty  
  hand maidens.  
Midnight lonely whisper cries,  
``We're getting a bit short on heroes lately.''  
Sword snap fright white pale goodbyes in the  
  desolation of Valhalla.  
And join with us please --- Valkyrie maidens ride  
  empty-handed on the cold wind to Valhalla  

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