Jethro Tull

From a Dead Beat to an Old Greaser

Jethro Tull


by  MAX(BA)

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From a Dead Beat to an Old Greaser

Year: 1976 - Album: A Little Light Music

Key:  D More
C(one step down)
C#(half step down)
D(original key)
D#(half step up)
E(one step up)
	  		D                       F#m        A                     F#m  
 From a dead beat to an old greaser  here's thinking of you.  
          E             Em   Bm  
You won't remember the long nights  
G               C                D  
coffee bars and black tights and white thighs   
        F#m                       A  
in shop windows  where blonde assistants  
fully-fashioned a world  
E                       Em Bm     G           C  
made of dummies with no mummies or daddies to reject them  
     D                      F#m             A              F#m  
When bombs were banned every Sunday and the Shadows did F.B.I  
                E                                     Em Bm  
And tired young sax-players sold their instruments of torture  
          G              C  
Sat in a station sharing wet dreams   
           D           F#m            A  
of Charlie Parker  Jack Kerouac  Rene Magritte  
          F#m         E  
to name a few  of the heroes  
                            Em  Bm  
who were too wise for their own good  
         G                   C         D  
left the young brood to go on living without them.  
**Intrumental** (F#m  A  F#m  E  Em  Bm  G  C)  
D               F#m         A                  F#m  
Old queers with young faces  who remember your name   
                E              Em    Bm  
though you're a dead beat with tired feet   
G             C  
two ends that don't meet.  
     D                 F#m  
To a dead beat from an old greaser  
A                            F#m  
  Think you must have me all wrong  
I didn't care  friend.  
         Em     Bm  
I wasn't there  friend   
                       G                       C  
If it's the price of a pint that you need  ask me again.  


Key:  D More
C(one step down)
C#(half step down)
D(original key)
D#(half step up)
E(one step up)
Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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