Jethro Tull

Jeffrey Goes to Leicester Square

Jethro Tull


by  MAX(BA)

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Jeffrey Goes to Leicester Square

Year: 2001 - Album: Stand Up

Written by Ian Anderson

	  		Intro   A       A  
Verse 1  
Am          Em    Am                E7             A          E   A     E  
Bright city woman walking down Leicester Square every day  
A             D      E   E    A D    E   E  
Gonna get a piece of my mind  
       A                         D      D   E    A      D   E  E  
You think your not a piece of my kind  
E                         E    A   E  E E  
Everywhere the people looking  
E                     A      E  
Why don't you get up and sing  
E       E       A       A  
Verse 2 (same as Verse 1)  
Bright city woman where did you learn all the things you say  
You listen to the news man on T.V.  
You may fool yourself but you don't fool me  
I'll see you in another place, another time  
You may be someone's but you won't be mine  


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