Jim Croce

Top Hat Bar And Grille

Jim Croce

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Top Hat Bar And Grille


Intro: B | B A Bb B | 

Well if you're lookin' for a good time 

Look hard as you want but you ain't gonna find 
The kinda good time you will 
Come ev'y Friday Saddidy evenin' 
       B                      | E | E A Bb B | 
At the Top Hat Bar and Grille 

Well at the Top Hat Bar and Grille 
           A                E 
There is a waitress name of Lil 
                          B                 A       E A Bb B 
Well she's a honky tonky, little bit chunky . divorcee 
She wear dem tight hippy hugger slacks 
          A                         E 
You can believe me when I tell you, Jack 
                              B              A       E 
That she a dancin', prancin', hard romancin' p-i-e-c-e 
            A                             E 
And she can do the boogie woogie, she can do the boogaloo 
And she can do the hootchie cootchie 
        F#                 B 
Oh, she knows how to nasty too 

So if you're lookin' for a good time 

Look hard as you want but you ain't gonna find 
The kinda good time you will 
Come ev'y Friday Saddidy evenin' 
       B                      | E | E A Bb B | 
At the Top Hat Bar and Grille 

Well, at the Top Hat Bar and Grille 
              A               E 
They got this bouncer name of Gil 
                       B               A       E   A Bb B 
Well he a honky tonky, . heavily funky . ex-marine 
He wear dem skintight body builder shirts 
                A                      E 
And Jack, he'll knock you out into the dirt 
But if you got no money or you try to be funny  
A                       E                  A 
. Then mother you gonna see that man gonna do the boogie woogie 
         E                         A 
He gonna do the boogaloo, he gonna do the hootchie cootchie 
             F#                       B 
And he'll be doin' all his dancin' on you 

So if you're lookin' for a good time 

Look hard as you want but you ain't gonna find 
The kinda bad time you will 
Come ev'y Friday Saddidy evenin' 
       B                     | E | E | 
At the Top Hat Bar and Grill 
A                         | A | 
. Lookin' for a good time 
E                         | E | F# | B | E | 
. Lookin' for a bad time 
So if you're lookin' for a good time 

Look hard as you want but you ain't gonna find 
The kinda good time you will 
Come ev'y Friday Saddidy evenin' 
       B                     | E | E | B | B7 | E <> | 
At the Top Hat Bar and Grille 


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