JJ Cale


JJ Cale

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Written by John J Cale

Fmaj7 133210, Cmaj7 332000} 
   Fmaj7          |  Cmaj7     | Fmaj7       | Cmaj7 
1. Whip poor will'| sing - ing | soft sum-mer| breeze 
   Fmaj7               | Cmaj7       | Fmaj7                | 
   makes me think of my| bay - by  I | left down in New Or -| 
   Cmaj7  |  Fmaj7                | Cmaj7     
   leans. | I left down in New Or-| leans 
(2nd verse follows same progression) 
2. Magnolia, you sweet thing  
   you're driving me mad 
   Got to get back to you baby   
   You're the best I ever had. 
   You're the best I ever had. 
   Am                    |   G       | Am                | G 
      You whisper, "Good | morning", |   so gently in my |ear 
   Am                    |  G       | Fmaj7         | Cmaj7 
      I'm coming home to | you babe.|  I'll soon be |there. 
   Fmaj7           | Cmaj7  |  (Solo: Am7 G Am G Am G   
      I'll soon be |there.  |   Fmaj7 Cmaj7 Fmaj7) 
   (Repeat 2nd verse.) 
Ending: (Repeat and fade) 
   Fmaj7                           | C 
      You're the best I ever had___|

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