Joan Jett

Little Liar

Joan Jett

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Little Liar

Written by Desmond Child/Joan Jett

Dm C  Bb C 
Intro II :  Dm C Bb 

Dm    Bb              C 
I was taught to never tell a lie 
Dm                 Bb              C 
To look you in the eye and tell it like it is 
Fm     C#               D# 
Always thought that you would be the same 
Fm          C# 
It's such a shame that's not the way it is 

Dm    Bb             C 
I was fooled by your innocence 
Dm     Bb               C 
And my love for you was so intense 
Fm       C#              D# 
With our connection only physical 
If it got me through the night 
Well that's a lie 
Fm   C#          D# 
Hey....... little liar I believed in you 
Fm   C#          D# 
Hey....... little liar I believed in you 
Fm   C#          D#                  Fm 
Hey....... little liar I believed in you 

Base: Fm C# D# F C# D# 

Dm       Bb                 C 
A simple question makes you look away 
Dm       Bb              C 
Your hesitation gives it all away  
Fm              C#             D# 
There's some protection in the way you move 
If there's sadness in my eyes 
It's coming from your lies 

Fm   C#          D# 
Hey....... little liar I believed in you 
Fm   C#          D# 
Hey....... little liar I believed in you 
Fm   C#          D#                  C# D# 
Hey....... little liar I believed in you  
I believe in you 
Base do Solo (4x):  G#m E F# 

Dm          Bb                C 
You want to sleep with me but payback's tough 
Dm            Bb                  C 
Why don't you call me when you're all grown up 
Fm           C#                 D# 
If there's a change in you I'll know it's true 
C#             D# 
Hey little liar  
I believed in you 

              G#m    E            F# 
Repete 8x:  Hey..........little liar, I believed in you 
              G#m    E            F#    F# 
Repete 3x:  Hey..........little liar 

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