Johnny Mathis

Merry Christmas

Johnny Mathis

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Merry Christmas

Written by Kim Gannon, Walter Kent and Buck Ram

	  		Intro:   Bb (BASS Bb A G F D) 

Verse 1:

G Bm D Are you hanging up the stocking on the wall G Bm D Is the time that every Santa has a ball C G Does he ride red-nosed reindeer C G Does he turn upon his sleigh Am C D Do the fairies keep him sober for a day
G Bm Bb D So here it is Merry Xmas everybody's having fun G Bm Bb D Look to the future now it's only just begun

Verse 2:

G Bm D Are you waiting for the family to arrive G Bm D Are you sure you've got the room to spare inside C G Does your granny always tell you C G That the old songs are the best Am C D Then she's up and rockin' rollin' with the rest
G Bm Bb D So here it is Merry Xmas everybody's having fun G Bm Bb D Look to the future now it's only just begun Dm Bb What will your daddy do when Dm Bb C D He sees your mother kissing Santa Claus. Ah ha Ah

Verse 3:

G Bm D Are you hanging up the stockings on your wall G Bm D Are you hoping that the snow will start to fall C G Do you ride on down the hillside C G In a buggy you have made Am C D When you land and fall on your head then you will say

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