Johnny Mercer


Johnny Mercer

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Written by Johnny Mercer and Johnny Mandel

Key:  D More
Emily Key AA
Emily Key A#A#
Emily Key BB
Emily Key CC(one step down)
Emily Key C#C#(half step down)
Emily Key DD(original key)
Emily Key D#D#(half step up)
Emily Key EE(one step up)
Emily Key FF
Emily Key F#F#
Emily Key GG
Emily Key G#G#
D7M    G6/9   Em7  A7 
Emily, Emily, Emily 
Em7 A7  D6         D9   D7/9  G     Gdim 
Has the murmuring sound  of  May 
A   B             G#7           C#m7     F#7 
All silver bells, coral shells, carousels 
        Bm7     Bm7/E  E7    E7/13   A7   A7/13- Gdim A7/13- 
And the laughter of   children  at  play     they  say 
 D7M    G6/9   Em7     A7 
"Emily, Emily, Emily" 
Em7 A7  D   D9 D D7   D7/9   D    G 
And  we  fade  to  a  marvelous  view 
Gdim Bm   F#7 Em7  F#m Fdim F#m  B7 
Two  lovers  alone  and  out  of  sight 
Cdim B7 G    G/F# Em7 A  A7  Cdim B7 
Seeing  images         in the firelight 
A7    G    G/F#  A7  G  F#m   B7 
As my eyes visualize a family 
Cdim B7   Em7      A7     D 
They see dreamily, Emily 

Interlude: Em7 A7 D D9 D D7/9 D G Gdim Bm F#7 Em7 F#m Fdim F#m B7 

A7    G    G/F#  A7  G  F#m  B7 
As my eyes visualize a family 
Cdim B7   Em7   A7    A7/13-  D G/B  A7/13- D6 
They see Emily, Emily,     too 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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