Jon Bellion

Weight Of The World

Jon Bellion

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Weight Of The World

verse 1 
G                   D                Em        C 
We're six feet underground inside my bed 
G                    D            Em        C 
And all the little letters in my head 
G                 D                 Em        C 
We're spelling suicide but not by choice 
G                   D                   Em        C 
Was calling out for help, but heard no noise, no noise 

Pre-Chorus 1 
G                    D              Em        C 
Only the sound of my back breaking 
G               D            Em            C 
But ever since you and your arms saved me 

G D Em C I don't hold the weight of the world anymore G D Em C I don't hold the weight of the world anymore G D Em C I don't hold the weight of the world anymore G D Em C I don't hold the weight of the world anymore
verse 2 G D Em C The only friend I had wore black and red G D Em C The darker instruments inside my head G D Em C We're playing suicide but not by choice, by choice G D Em C Was calling out for help, but heard no noise, no noise Pre-Chorus 2 G D Em C Only the sound of my hands shaking G D Em C But ever since you and your arms saved me
G D Em C I don't hold the weight of the world anymore G D Em C I don't hold the weight of the world anymore G D Em C I don't hold the weight of the world anymore G D Em C I don't hold the weight of the world anymore

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