Joni James

How Are Things In Glocca Morra

Joni James

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How Are Things In Glocca Morra

Written by E.Y. Harburg and Burton Lane

	  		Introd.: C13 

Gm    C13                G7M C13 
I hear a bird, London derry Bird 
    G7M       C13 Adim  G7M Gdim  F7   G7 Bbdim C7 F Bb 
It well maybe he's bringing me a cheering word 
   G7M  C13                  G7M     C13 
I hear a breeze, a River Shanon breeze, 
    G7M      C13 Adim G7M  Gdim  F7 G7 Bbdim C7  F Bb F 
It well maybe it's followed me across these as 
Bbdim   F         Bb F 
Then tell me please 
               Gm7Bb/F F7M  Gm7 Am7 
How are things in Glocca Morra 
           D7/9+                Gm7    C7   Gm7 C7 
Isthatlittlebrook still leapingthere 
                                        Gm7    C13 
Does it still rundowntoDonnycove 
  Gm7 C13  C7 
ThroughKillybegs, KilkerryandKildare 
               Gm7                  Bb/F F7M  Gm7 Am7 
How are things in Glocca Mora 
           D7/9+                Gm7    C7   Gm7 C7 
Isthatwillowtree still weepingthere 
                                        Gm7    C13 
Does thatlassiewiththetwinklin' eye 
Come smilin' 

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