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Key:  Dbm More
Madonna Key G#mG#m
Madonna Key AmAm
Madonna Key A#mA#m
Madonna Key BmBm(one step down)
Madonna Key CmCm(half step down)
Madonna Key DbmDbm(original key)
Madonna Key DmDm(half step up)
Madonna Key D#mD#m(one step up)
Madonna Key EmEm
Madonna Key FmFm
Madonna Key F#mF#m
Madonna Key GmGm
Dbm                   B 
Lover come and set me free from my restrain 
 Dbm               E           B 
Tear the rags away they bind me 
 Dbm                       B 
Stare me down and cut me deeply to the bone 
 Dbm                      E      B 
Give me every tooth and BLIND me 

You are Madonna, you Lady Divine 
You are part Mother Theresa and a valentine 
Some man's pariah and a slippery slope 
     A                           B         Ab 
But to me you are the fire and I fly to my hope 

(Dbm B Dbm E) 

 Dbm                                      B 
And with a wink she sets me free forever more 
   A                  B                Dbm   A    B   Dbm 
So consume me now and burn me to the marrow 

(A  B  Dbm) 

 A                         Dbm 
Tear my heart out from my body if you have to and 
        A           B              Dbm 
Then swallow me to prove that I am you 

You are Madonna, you Lady Divine 
You are part Mother Theresa and a valentine 
Some man's pariah and a slippery slope 
     A                           B 
But to me you are the fire and I fly to my 

You are Madonna, you Lady Divine 
          E            A 
You are part Mother Theresa and a valentine 
Some man's pariah and a slippery slope 
     A                           B          Dbm 
But to me you are the fire and I fly to my 

  E          A      Dbm 
I will fly away 
  Dbm                        A 
I will take these wings and fly away 
I'll take these 
   Dbm                         A    B   Dbm 
I'll take these wings and fly away 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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