Justin Bieber

Roller Coaster

Justin Bieber

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Roller Coaster

Written by Justin Bieber/Josh Gudwin/Rodney "Darkchild" Jerkins /Julian Swirsky


A# A G  

Come here 
I don't know what happened 

Where did they go? 
Nights like this don't happen anymore 
I need to know 
Is it me? or did I lose control? 

Only overseas 
Only memories 
Wish I had the key to your heart 
People come and go 
Baby, they don't know 
What we had before 
What it felt before our eyes 

Roller coaster, roller coaster 
Spinning all around and around for a world baby 
Roller coaster, roller coaster 
For a minute we were up, but the next we were falling down 

It's been difficult 
I’m just happy there's no fights no more 
But it’s nights like this that I never ever missed you more 
If there's a reason why this happens for 

Only overseas 
Only memories 
Wish I had the key to your heart 
People come and go 
Baby, they don't know 
What we had before 
What it felt before our eyes 

Roller coaster, roller coaster 
Spinning all around and around for a world baby 
Roller coaster, roller coaster 
For a minute we were up, but the next we were falling down 


Only overseas 
Only memories 
Wish I had the key to your heart 
People come and go 
Baby, they don't know 
What we had before 
What it felt before our eyes 

Roller coaster, roller coaster 
Spinning all around and around for a world baby 
Roller coaster, roller coaster 
For a minute we were up, but the next we were falling down 

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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