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Intro  D Bm G A D Bm G A 

Verse 1:

D Bm In a time far away G A Village of smiles I found you D Bm Cheers of laughter and good times G A Takin' away L.A. blues Bm A All of my life I wished on star-lit meaning nights Bm A Finding my heart within your love-filled round brown eyes
Em A7 D Bm G A Inarajan finding my home in you oh

Verse 2:

D Bm G And there was a queen, woman of means A Leaving me sigh D Bm G I was told a story of a young girl A Sailing on by Bm A Stories of lovers lost upon her shores Bm A Tales of Chamorros, Spanish conquistadors
Em A7 D Bm G A Inarajan finding my home in you oh D Bm G A in you woo


C G Never thought time could be so sweet and so fine C G I Seen enough grey to bring me down ooh wooh C G Someday return back to help ease my mind A G Que Sera until my time is through ooh wooh A D Bm G A Inarajan finding my home in you woo D Bm G A in you woo
D Bm G A I love you Inarajan, you're always on our mind D Bm G A I love you Inarajan, you're always on our mind D Bm G A I love you Inarajan, you're always on our mind D Bm G A D Bm G A I love you Inarajan, you're always on our mind

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