NOT THE END OF THE WORLD Chords - Katy Perry | E-Chords
Katy Perry

Not The End Of The World

Katy Perry

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Not The End Of The World

Key:  G More
F(one step down)
F#(half step down)
G(original key)
G#(half step up)
A(one step up)
Dm It's not the end of the world Bb No, not the end of the world Gm Throw?on?your fancy attire,?fears?in?the fire C Don 't lose?hope Dm It's no?funeral we're attending Bb Actually, just the?beginning Gm Throw on your fancy attire, fears in the fire C Don 't lose hope It's not the end of the, no, not the end of the world

Verse 1:

Dm You can catch a star if the sky is falling down Bb There's a golden lining up in every single cloud Gm You can take a frown, turn it all the way around C All the way around, all the, all the way around Dm A fortune teller told me, "The power's in your mind" Bb You might see a cliff, but I see a way to fly Gm Flipping off the flop, now I just enjoy the ride C Just enjoy the ride, yeah, I just enjoy the ride


Dm (Na, na, na, na) What a time Bb (Na, na, na, na) To be alive Gm (Don't say goodbye)
Dm It's not the end of the world Bb No, not the end of the world Gm Throw?on?your fancy attire,?fears?in?the fire C Don 't lose?hope Dm It's no?funeral we're attending Bb Actually, just the?beginning Gm Throw on your fancy attire, fears in the fire C Don 't lose hope It's not the end of the, no, not the end of the world

Verse 2:

Dm You can make a wish even on a satellite Bb On a plastic lash or anything you like Gm You can tame a dragon if you 're not afraid to fight C Not afraid to fight, no, I'm not afraid


Dm (Na, na, na, na) What a time Bb (Na, na, na, na) To be alive Gm Don't say goodbye (Don't say)
Dm It's not the end of the world Bb No, not the end of the world Gm Throw?on?your fancy attire,?fears?in?the fire C Don 't lose?hope Dm It's no?funeral we're attending Bb Actually, just the?beginning Gm Throw on your fancy attire, fears in the fire C Don 't lose hope Dm Na, na, na, Bb Na, na, na, na Gm Dm Don't say goodbye (Don't say goodbye) Dm Na, na, na, Bb Na, na, na, na Gm Don't say goodbye

Key:  G More
F(one step down)
F#(half step down)
G(original key)
G#(half step up)
A(one step up)
Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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