Keni Titus


Keni Titus

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Key:  C More
Runner Key GG
Runner Key G#G#
Runner Key AA
Runner Key A#A#(one step down)
Runner Key BB(half step down)
Runner Key CC(original key)
Runner Key C#C#(half step up)
Runner Key DD(one step up)
Runner Key D#D#
Runner Key EE
Runner Key FF
Runner Key F#F#
	  		Intro: C F 

Verse 1:

Am G F When there's nothing to write about I look for you Am G F In the clothes that he wears and the lace on his shoes G Am G F When he's calling my name I can't help but be blue C G F Cause he makes me think of you

Verse 2:

C Am G F When I'm hitting a wall or I can't sleep at night Am G F I play visions of you on a loop in my mind Am G F I pretend we're in love and I'm not a fault line C G F I think about you all the time


F Don't pretend Am G Fmaj7 F That you don't feel it Am G Cause you can't lie to me F I would wait forever, if you Am G F Said we'd be together, if you knew C G F C F That baby it's always been you
Outro: Am G F Am G F Am G F C G Fmaj7 F C

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Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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