Kenny Chesney

When The Sun Goes Down

Kenny Chesney

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When The Sun Goes Down

Intro: - A - D - E - A - D - A   
A             D           E  
Suntan toes tickling the sand,  
A                     D         E  
Cold drink chillin in my right hand,  
A                         D      E                 
Watchin you sleep in the evenin light,  
A                D          A  
Restin up for a long long night, cause  
A D E When the sun goes down, we'll be groovin, A E7 When the sun goes down, feelin alright, A D E When the sun sinks down, over the water, A D A A - D - E - A - D - A Everything gets hotter when the sun goes down, yea
A D E All day long just takin it easy, A D E Layin in the hammick where it's nice and breezy, A D E Sleepin off the night before, D A Cause when the sun goes down we'll be back for more,
A D E When the sun goes down, we'll be groovin, A E7 When the sun goes down, feelin alright, A D E When the sun sinks down, over the water, A D A Everything gets hotter when the sun goes down
(lead - A - D - E - A - D - E - A - D - E - A - D - A = 2x's) A D E This old guitar and my dark sunglasses, A D E This sweet concoction is smooth as molasses, A D E Nothin to do but breathe all day, A D A Till the big moon rises and it's time to play, A D E When the sun goes down, we'll be groovin, A E7 When the sun goes down, feelin alright, A D E When the sun sinks down, over the water, A D A Everything gets hotter when the sun goes down,
A D E When the sun goes down, we'll be groovin, A E7 When the sun goes down, feelin alright, A D E When the sun sinks down, over the water, A D A Everything gets hotter when the sun goes down, A D E When the sun goes down, we'll be groovin, A E7 When the sun goes down, feelin alright, A D E When the sun sinks down, over the water, A D A Everything gets hotter when the sun goes down, A D E When the sun goes down, we'll be groovin, A E7 When the sun goes down, feelin alright, A D E When the sun sinks down, over the water, A D A She thinks Kracker's sexy when the sun goes down, yea A D E When the sun goes down, we'll be groovin, A E7 When the sun goes down, feelin alright, A D E When the sun sinks down, over the water, A D A Uncle Kenny's hotter when the sun goes down, yea

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