Kenny Rogers

Music Man

Kenny Rogers

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Music Man

	  		(A) She said sing you song sweet music man 
though I won't be there to hold your hand 
like I (D) used to I'm (A) through with you 
you're a (E) hell of a singer and a powerful man 
but you surround yourself with people who 
demand so (A) little of you 
You touched my soul with your beautiful song 
even had me singing along right (D) with you, said I (A) need you 
then you (E) changed the words and added harmony 
sang the song you had written for me 
to (A) someone new 
     Chorus 1 
     (D) Nobody sings a (E) love song quite like (A) you do 
     (D) nobody else could (E) make me sing (A) along 
     (D) nobody else could (E) make me feel 
     that (A) things are right when I (F#) know there wrong 
     (D) nobody sings a (E) love song quite like (A) you 
(A) She said sing your song sweet music man 
you travel the world with a five piece band 
that (D) does for you what you (A) ask them to 
and 'ya (E) try to stay young with the song you've sung 
so many people have all begun to come (A) back on you 
So sing your song sweet music man 
you're making your living doing one night stands 
that (D) prove to you they don't (A) need you 
you're still a (E) helluva singer but a broken man 
but you keep on looking for one last fan to (A) sing to 
     Chorus 2 
     (D) Nobody sings a (E) love song quite like (A) you do 
     (D) nobody else could (E) make me sing (A) along 
     (D) nobody else could (E) make me feel 
     that (A) things are right when they're (F#) wrong with a song 
     (D) nobody sings a (E) love song quite like (A) you 
She said sing your song sweet music man 
I (E) believe in (A) you  

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