


chords Intermediate intermediate


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Key:  Em More
You Key BmBm
You Key CmCm
You Key C#mC#m
You Key DmDm(one step down)
You Key D#mD#m(half step down)
You Key EmEm(original key)
You Key FmFm(half step up)
You Key F#mF#m(one step up)
You Key GmGm
You Key G#mG#m
You Key AmAm
You Key A#mA#m
	  		Intro: Em B7 Em A C Em F B7sus B7 

Verse 1:

Em B You fill me with sweet longin' Em A You thrill me with your smile C Em You worried me, so desperately, F B7sus B7 when you drift away with a sigh

Verse 2:

Em B You stare at me through the darkness Em A You touch me with a thought C Em You're with me, without me, F B7sus B7 and you stay as you go away
Em B7 You fill my heart with desire C D G You tear me apart with a word F Em I will buy a lie for a truth, F B7sus B7 'cause the truth's no good without you
Interlude: Em B7 Em A C Em F B7sus B7

Verse 3:

Em B You save me from the trouble Em A You pave my way with care C Em You worry, without me, F B7sus B7 and I carry on unaware
Em B7 You fill my heart with desire C D G You tear me apart with a word F Em I will buy a lie for a truth, F B7sus B7 'cause the truth's no good without you

Verse 4:

Em B You stare at me through the darkness Em A Caress me with a thought C Em You're with me, without me, F B7sus B7 and you stay as you go away
Outro: Em B7 Em A C Em F B7sus B7 (2x) (fade out)

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