Lauren Aquilina

Square One

Lauren Aquilina

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Square One

Written by Lauren Aquilina,nick William Atkinson,ben Collier

Key:  C#m More
Bm(one step down)
Cm(half step down)
C#m(original key)
Dm(half step up)
D#m(one step up)
	  		Intro and verse 1 (C#m  B, F#m) 

Trying too hard to put a smile on my face 
When it feels so out of place 
I'm being frozen by your flames 
Thought you were human but you're just a ghost 
A shield of skin and bones 
I promise you won't feel a thing 

 A                      B                                 F#                        A 
It's not hard to let it go, when there's nothing to hold on to 
 A                      B           F# 
I found hope when I lost you 

Chorus (E  F#m, C#m, A) 
I've forgotten who you are but I 
I remember thats a good thing 
On the dark side of my heart, oh I 
I never saw you shining 
Its not hard to come down 
When we never left the ground 
I've forgotten who you are but I 
I remember thats a good thing 

verse 2 (E  A, E, A) 
Through the cracks I see a new day burning 
A million miles of sky 
That I can claim as mine 

 C#m                 B                               F#                          A 
It's not hard to let it go, when there's nothing to hold on to 
C#m           B                   F# 
I found hope when I lost you 

I've forgotten who you are but I 
I remember thats a good thing 
On the dark side of my heart, oh I 
I never saw you shining 
Its not hard to come down 
When we never left the ground 
I've forgotten who you are but I 
I remember thats a good thing 

(Same chords as Chorus) 
Back to square one but 
I remember thats a good thing 
When I forget to miss you 
I remember thats a good thing 
I was already half way home 
When I knew that you were gone 
Back to square one but 
I remember, I remember thats a good thing 

I've forgotten who you are but I 
I remember thats a good thing 
On the dark side of my heart, oh I 
I never saw you shining 
Its not hard to come down 
When we never left the ground 
I've forgotten who you are but I 
I remember thats a good thing 

A B                   C#m                   F# 
When there's nothing to hold on to 
A           B                       F# 
I found hope when I lost you 

Key:  C#m More
Bm(one step down)
Cm(half step down)
C#m(original key)
Dm(half step up)
D#m(one step up)
Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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