Lets Wrestle

Codeine And Marshmallows

Lets Wrestle

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Codeine And Marshmallows

Written by Wesley Patrick Gonzalez

Intro D A F#m A Bm A 

D      A 
Waking up 
F#m            A 
My heads in my hands 
   Bm           E      Bm 
My baby's gone     far away 
To Queensbridge Road 
E                               Bm 
Codine and Marshmallows have an aftertaste 
   F#m      F         A   G#m 
of sick and blood and loneliness 
  D                A 
I dunno how to get home 
D       A 
Phoning up 
F#m           A 
He's checking in 
   Bm             E             Bm 
He wants to know     where I've been 
And why I don't care to ring 
E                               Bm 
Codine and Marshmallows have an aftertaste 
   F#m      F         A   G#m 
of sick and blood and loneliness 
  D                A 
I dunno how to get home 
E                               Bm 
Codine and Marshmallows have an aftertaste 
   F#m      F         A   G#m 
of sick and blood and loneliness 
  D                A 
I dunno how to get home 
She's my winter and she's laying (the plain?) 
                 F                        A 
I'm sucking on a spoon 'cause her name is pain 
Lord give me water 
to clean up my place 
It's what I was born in to 
Born in to disgrace 
                  D                     A 
And all I need is love and a better place 
E                               Bm 
Codine and Marshmallows have an aftertaste 
   F#m      F         A   G#m 
of sick and blood and loneliness 
  D                A 
I dunno how to get home 

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