Lily Allen


Lily Allen

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Written by Lily Allen,gregory Kurstin

Key:  Eb More
Why Key A#A#
Why Key BB
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Why Key C#C#(one step down)
Why Key DD(half step down)
Why Key EbEb(original key)
Why Key EE(half step up)
Why Key FF(one step up)
Why Key F#F#
Why Key GG
Why Key G#G#
Why Key AA
	  		Intro 2x: Eb  Eb7  Ab  Abm 

Verso 1: 
Eb                 Eb7               A      Abm 
Why aren't I one of these interesting people 
          Eb         Eb7       Ab     Abm 
Who's always got something to say? 
    Eb        Eb7           Ab        Abm 
To not be contrived and to feel so alive 
         Eb         Eb7       Ab    Abm 
And to never have wasted the day 
    Eb           Eb7          Ab             Abm 
To go for long walks and have well-informed talks 
      Eb        Eb7        Ab    Abm 
In an non-confrontational way 
Eb           Eb7            Ab         Abm 
Why aren't I one of these interesting people 
     Eb  Eb7  Ab   Abm         Eb   Eb7   Ab   Abm 
And why ????????????won't you stay? 

Bb Eb I'm still having the same conversation Bb Ab I've been having for years Bb Eb I just want to read and retain information Bb Ab Just face up to my fears Bb Eb I look at myself and it's so plain to see Bb Ab All I need is to change Bb Eb Not too much, I still want to be me Bb Ab Abm Everyone looks the same
Verso 2: Eb Eb7 Ab Abm Why is my phone full of so many numbers Eb Eb7 Ab Abm And why doesn't anyone call? Eb Eb7 Ab Abm Maybe they think that I'm always too busy Eb Eb7 Ab Abm Or maybe I've no friends at all Eb Eb7 Ab Abm When I'm watching tv they're all out necking Es Eb Eb7 Ab Abm And well obviously I'm appalled Eb Eb7 Ab Abm Why is my phone full of so many numbers Eb Eb7 Ab Abm Eb Eb7 Ab Abm And why??????????????? don't you call? Refrão: Bb Eb I'm still having the same conversation Bb Ab I've been having for years Bb Eb I just want to read and retain information Bb Ab Just face up to my fears Bb Eb I look at myself and it's so plain to see Bb Ab All I need is to change Bb Eb Not too much, I still want to be me Bb Ab Abm Everyone looks the same Instrumental 8x: Eb Eb7 Ab Abm Refrão: Bb Eb I'm still having the same conversation Bb Ab I've been having for years Bb Eb I just want to read and retain information Bb Ab Just face up to my fears Bb Eb I look at myself and it's so plain to see Bb Ab All I need is to change Bb Eb Not too much, I still want to be me Bb Ab Abm Everyone looks the same

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