Local Natives

Heavy Feet

Local Natives

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Heavy Feet

Capo on 1st fret


A               G#m 
Powder in your hair 
Staples in your jeans 
Fireworks in the water 
You were holding 
A styro-foam cup 
Held between your teeth 
                      B                     A 
Telling me how you're going to outlive your body 
                  G#m                  E             G#m   B    A 
What you said I wrote it down, I wont say, I won't speak - the same 
              G#m                  E                   B 
Maybe I know better than to read more from what's written 

A E B A E B After everything, after everything. A E B Left in the sun, shivering. A E B After everything.
VERSE 2: A G#m Gathering your stone E Talk to fill the space B A Do you know where some soul was, when they were --- G#m E The women that we see, to talk me out of everything B A Careful what you say next, don't waste a scene, you're drunk A G#m E G#m B A What you said I wrote it down, wont say, wont speak - the same A E B A E B After everything, after everything. A E B Left in the sun, shivering. A E B After everything. A G#m E G#m B A What you said I wrote it down, but wont say, wont speak - the same G#m E B Maybe I know better than to read more than what's there A E B A E B After everything, after everything. A E B Left in the sun, shivering. A E B After everything.

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