Lori Mckenna

The Bird And The Rifle

Lori Mckenna

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The Bird And The Rifle

Written by Lori McKenna/Caitlyn Smith/Troy Verges

G       G       D       D 

G       G       Bm      A 


          D           G             D 
Thereīs a bird making coffee in the kitchen 
              D              G              D 
And thereīs a rifle out back smoking cigarrettes 
A                              G 
He donīt ever really feel like talking 
                      D     G   D 
Donīt matter what she says 

verse 2 

        D              G                D 
And the bird is always dreaming out the window 
D               G             D 
Looking at that big wide open sky 
        A                      G 
And the rifle, he used to be a dreamer 
                      D     G   D 
But he wasnīt ment to fly 

G Bm A Something down, on the ground, wonīt let her out and holds her in G Bm A Heīs afraid if she flies, she'll never come home again D Bm A Something about the bird and her spreading those wings G D Always brings the rifle out in him
verse 3 D G D But the rifle loves the bird when sheīs singing D G D And he knows every word to every song A G And the bird, she loves the rifle, īcause heīs dangerous, D G D stubborn and strong
G Bm A Something down, on the ground, wonīt let her out and holds her in G Bm A Heīs afraid if she flies, she'll never come home again D Bm A Something about the bird and her spreading those wings G D Always brings the rifle out in him
Bridge G D Uu uu u uuu u u uuu uuuu G Bm A Uu uu u uuu u u uuu uuuu verse 4 D G D One night, when the autumn wind was perfect D G D And the rifle drank his whisky and went to bed A G And he never even heard the window open D She ainīt come back in Bridge G D Uu uu u uuu u u uuu uuuu G Bm A Uu uu u uuu u u uuu uuuu

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